Meet the expert Keys to success in the current Spanish cosmetic market, by Ivan Borrego (Beauty Cluster)
Meet the expert Cosmetics and emotions, everyday more in tune with scientific and technological advances, by Dr. Sonja Hansen (MDC)
Meet the expert The effectiveness perceived and demanded by the consumer is increasingly focused on the ingredients, by Dr. Tang Sheng Nan (Yan’an Tang)
Meet the expert Biodiversity conservation and socio-economic balance throughout the value chain, by María Julia Oliva (UEBT)
Meet the expert Personalised formulations and functionalised make-up phenomenon, by Serena Zanella (Laboratorio Cosmopolita)
Meet the expert Efficiency, security and digital corroboration as keys to build trust amongst the Chinese consumer, by Rex Hu (Hu Xiao Bo)
Meet the expert The potential of the Indian market in line with the growing trend in traditional cosmetics, by Dilip Raghavan (HPCI India)
Meet the expert Adaptation as a botanical and competitive mechanism, by Lidia Lewandowska (Wirtualne Kosmetyki)
Meet the expert Natural cosmetics will be certified or will not be, by Monika Krzyżostan (Dr. Koziej)