Spreading Clean Beauty

Discover the innovative natural ingredient for a post-pandemic market

The global pandemic has transformed every aspect of our lives, consumer behavior included. Certainly, consumer behavior has an inextricable link to our emotional state. The psychological impact of uncertainty and distress has compelled consumers to look for innovative natural BPC products – and here, we’ll look closer at why.

This global health and economic crisis has come at a time of great transformation in every industry. This transformation can be divided into two key areas: technology and sustainability. Before COVID-19, technology was already re-shaping the way we communicate; the pandemic only accelerated this shift. Equally, awareness around climate issues was already high and COVID-19 only intensified consumer concern.

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Therefore, the most relevant beauty brands are centering their strategy around harnessing science and nature. By creating innovative natural beauty and skincare, the sector can appeal to consumers’ rapidly evolving preferences.

Science and the feel-good factor

The pandemic hasn’t only been a physical healthcare crisis; people’s mental health has also suffered. To illustrate, in the United States, 59% of women aged between 18-34 agree that mental wellbeing has become a higher priority since the COVID-19 outbreak (Mintel, 2020). In the midst of this uncertainty, we have been turning once again to science for the facts.

As such, the sanitary crisis has highlighted the importance of physical and mental wellbeing, and the crucial role that scientific research plays in this. For instance, 87% of Indonesian consumers trust beauty products created by scientists; this grows to 94% for women aged 25-34 (Mintel, 2020).

Therefore, the most successful BPC brands will be those that can successfully connect consumers’ demand for scientifically proven claims alongside a coherent narrative about their health benefits for mind and body. These scientific claims should also resonate with consumers’ environmental concerns, illustrating the role R&D will play in managing the climate crisis.

Make a connection in our connected era

In order to sustain this narrative, brands’ transparency and expertise will be key differentiators in the post-COVID-19 era. Consumers want brands to be clear about their claims and processes, demonstrating their efficacy and ethics simultaneously. This draws together the link between technology and sustainability; in our connected era the consumer is more powerful than ever, and social media is a key forum for scrutiny. 

Therefore, brands that provide science-based results and champion expertise are equipped to avoid criticism online and, instead, build a loyal consumer base. Credibility harnessed via a product’s natural, health, and scientific credentials will be a company’s biggest asset in this evolving market. 

Provital’s innovative natural ingredients

Provital has long understood the value of harnessing science and nature to make innovative natural ingredients that support wellbeing. One such example is Wonderage™, which was recently awarded the BSB innovation prize in the actives/raw materials category.

Derived from monk fruit extract, this natural ingredient’s unique composition was found to have remarkable effects in in vitro studies with mature skin donor fibroblasts. Researchers noted an increase in the synthesis of extracellular matrix components, optimized fibroblast function, and the inhibition of gene over-expression in mature skin. 

However, perhaps the most innovative aspect of Wonderage™’s development was how we deployed AI to objectively monitor the product’s emotional impact. In a neuro study conducted with Kernel Business Consulting (KBC), an organization specializing in neuro analysis, researchers executed an analysis of the ingredient’s emotional benefits. This contributed to the incredible results obtained in vivo on the skin of those same volunteers, combining looking good and feeling great

Greater wellbeing, scientifically proven

As part of the study, volunteers responded to a neuro-survey on their appearance and how they felt as they watched a video, while their facial expressions were analyzed using ImageLab® technology. Using Mindlogics® Artificial Intelligence tools, the differential results of the conscious mind’s responses could be

compared to those of their subconscious reactions. 

Thus, the emotions aroused by treatment with the active ingredient Wonderage™ at the subconscious can be described and defined. The findings were remarkable: AI monitoring showed that 58% of the volunteers subconsciously felt amazing, were happy, and felt an improved quality of life – 29 percentage points above what their conscious answers stated.

Via combining science and nature, Wonderage™ achieves something directly relevant to the post-COVID-19 moment: a scientifically proven natural ingredient with a verifiable impact on emotional wellbeing. By combining technology and sustainability, Provital developed a truly innovative natural ingredient.

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