Spreading Clean Beauty

Current astrological influences and cosmetic brand responses

Paying attention to current astrological influences has reached the mainstream. From an extended knowledge about zodiac signs to considering full and new moons, eclipses or planetary alignments, more and more people base an increasing number of their daily decisions on the most important astrological events. In such a context, the cosmetics industry is also finding new ways to align this new interest with their products and the narratives around them. 

Fortunately, the truth is that fascination with current astrological influences comes hand in hand with a number of other trends. These have been operating at the cosmetics industry in recent years, including the preference for natural, botanical products.

Looking for product narrative inspiration aligned with current astrological trends and public interest? We provide a short guide for cosmetic brands to spark their creativity around current astrological influences.

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What are the current astrological influences for 2023 and what they mean: a beginners guide for cosmetic brands

Jupiter enters Pisces 

Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is closely monitored to identify favorable timing for decisions.

On May 13, Jupiter will enter Pisces, which is said to be one of its favorite signs to be in. This transit is believed to bring good luck, expansion, and optimism to those born under the sign of Pisces. Also to the areas of life ruled by Pisces in the astrological chart. The meaning of this movement is essential. First, because Pisces is considered the “home” of Jupiter, it should bring good fortune and abundance. Secondly, it’s also important to know the connotations around the Pisces sign. It is associated with imagination, creativity, intuition, and spirituality. As such, increased creativity, and opportunities for growth and expansion, including spiritual growth, can all be expected. Cosmetic brands can thus align their products with a “feel good” mood and “back to fun” formulas that inspire consumers’ most optimistic side.

Three Mercury retrogrades

Followers of current astrological influences might frown when hearing Mercury is in retrograde three times in 2023. This is because the retrograde of this planet is said to bring misfortune, confusion and delays.

Mercury will be in retrograde motion three times in 2023. The first retrograde period will begin on January 14 and end on February 3. The second will start on May 10 and end on June 3. The third will begin on September 6 and end on September 27. During Mercury retrograde, communications, travel, and technology are said to be affected. Many see Mercury retrograde as a time when communication, and technology can be disrupted or delayed, often in serious ways. As such, it’s advisable to stay mindful of these potential challenges and take extra care. 

At the same time, some people also view Mercury retrograde as an opportunity for reflection, introspection, and reevaluation, as it can be a time to slow down and reassess goals.In this context, cosmetic brands can take this opportunity to build “self-care” narratives that encourage them to slow down and look inward in search of recharging and resting, while waiting for better times. Such is the case of skincare that also targets psychological stress.

Current astrological influences: a woman and the moon

Lunar and solar eclipses

Regarding other important current astrological influences, there are several important lunar and solar eclipses happening in 2023:

  • Total lunar eclipse on March 14, 2023, which will be visible from the Pacific, the Americas, eastern Asia, and Australia. 
  • Partial solar eclipse on August 7, 2023, which will be visible from northern Europe, Asia, and northern North America. 
  • Penumbral lunar eclipse on September 6, 2023, which will be visible from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. 

During a solar eclipse, the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, partially blocking out the sun’s light. Conversely, during a total lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon; a penumbral lunar eclipse, on the other hand, means the moon passes through the outer part of the Earth’s shadow, which causes a subtle darkening of the moon. As these astrological events interrupt the “normal” illumination rhythms, eclipses can be an opportunity to analyze issues from a new perspective. In cosmetics, this can be linked to surprising consumers with new beauty paradigms

Uranus opposite Neptune: an important feat in planet alignment in 2023 

On October 20, Uranus will be opposite Neptune. This represents a rare planetary aspect and a highlight in the current astrological influences that may bring creative and spiritual insights.In astrology, Uranus is associated with freedom and change, so that freedom and transformation are to be expected as goals and developments at a global level.

Winning narratives in such a context might be linked with cosmetic brands inspiring their customers to embrace change, promoting products that focus on the “well-aging” movement

This might also be a good time to encourage change towards sustainability, such as the move towards green cosmetics and manufacturing.

Why cosmetics and current astrological influences match

As we’ve stated above, it’s indeed a good time for cosmetic brands to develop narratives around current astrological influences. This is because there are multiple trends coalescing that go beyond a superficial interest in astrology and that understand this age-old discipline with a renovated focus.

This includes the current need for self-care and wellbeing: current astrological influences are just an excuse for consumers to stop and look inwards, in search of meaning and fulfilling one’s needs. A cosmetic brand that understands this need and provides the right products enhancing self-care routines will find a winning formula. 

This is also joined by a current renovated interest in natural, botanical beauty, that understands cosmetics as a way to achieve natural harmony through the use of certified natural ingredients.Want to be inspired by more narrative opportunities between current astrological influences and how to align them with innovative cosmetics? Download our ‘Cosmic Cosmetics’ ebook and find more.

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